Politician-MC Duos

We have the Bernie-Killer Mike duo. That makes me wonder…who would other candidates have as rap buds. We already know Daddy Yankee was on team Mccain (barf.)

I think Hillary would totally have Macklemore. Just cuz…come on. Right?
Trump would have Puff Daddy cuz they’re both business men first, and would throw anyone around them under the bus. Ted Cruz…Lil Jon, since you just listen to him and go…”WWWWWHAT?” Jeb Bush and Rick Ross, since you know they’re both lying out of their asses with all that braggadocio. Martin O’Malley would be hanging with Swamburger because…let’s be real…you don’t know who either of them are, even though you probably should. Chris Christie and Big Pun, for obvious reasons.

I actually feel like this is pretty accurate. Thoughts?

I’ll throw in a bonus 2012 edition…

Obama with Common, not only because they are buds, but…they both started strong and my support for them has dwindled (more for Common than Obama.)

RomneyPharrell. Duh.

La Murga Uruguaya

Anoche vi por primera vez la murga aquí en Uruguay y…guau… increiiiible…Creo que andaba con una sonrisa toda la noche. Ver algo tan crítico, tan político, tan anti materialista y anti capitalista recibido de esa manera por el público, todos ahí mirando y escuchando por dos horas enteras, niños y niñas viendo desde los hombros de sus papás, escuchando críticas de Coca Cola, de las salchichas, del comercialismo y capitalismo y las propagandas y mucho mucho más…aún no puedo procesar todo. Me encantó.
