New Study Shows

A new scientific study shows
ignoring scientific studies
to be good for your health.

In this month’s issue of
the scientific journal Prove It ,
Physician and Epidemiologist
Dr. Philip J. Fearon
says the evidence that
following scientific studies
provides any benefit on longevity,
heart disease, happiness, erections,
smooth skin or a better night’s sleep
is extremely thin.  Thin, like his hair,
he joked. Ah, and speaking of that, it
won’t result in hair growth
or restoration either.

The study comes after the sharp increase
in studies whose titles include “might not
and end in “after all.

Cortázar – turismo

“Turísmo: la mera palabra era un insulto, una bofetada. Bien se distinguía a los turistas, su manera de vestir y su aire de vacaciones. De todos los que acababa de ver, acaso solo las dos…eran turistas; el resto estaba ahí barrido por el odio de lejanos déspotas, haciendo frente a su destino de incierto término. Los exilados, el vago perfume de pampas y sabanas y selva.”

Julio Cortázar, Fantomas contra los vampiros multinacionales y otros textos políticos, p. 12


I wake up,
Your memory’s arms
Already wrapped around me.
Heavy and sweaty,
Salty and sweet.
I haven’t seen you
In years,
Yet you’re
Vivid behind my eyelids,
Dense incense wrapped around
My ribcage.
I stretch my left leg out
Onto (what was) your side
Of the bed,
Half expecting to feel
My toes tickle the sheet.
I grab a fold, pull, and let go
Before slowly sliding my other leg over,
Letting my feet
To the floor.

I don’t fear Trump. But his supporters…

I’m not afraid of Trump (privileged statement, I recognize that). I’m not frightened by him or his politics. He’s a rich man who lives in some little imaginary world, who spews garbage and seeks attention. He’s an old wealthy white man who should be ranting to the nurse who takes care of his toupee and rolls his/her eyes at Trump’s every word.

I’m scared of his supporters. People who you could run into on the streets, who justify every police killing of unarmed Black and Brown youth, who think the U.S. is a complete meritocracy and immigrants are ruining everything. People who deny white privilege, who think Muslims are dangerous, yet they perpetuate white supremacy on a daily basis.

What can we do educate these people (and ourselves, it’s an ongoing process)? If we ignore the existence and effects of white privilege, we won’t be able to even conceive of an effective solution. Right?